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Compiling TimerX from source

Before compiling, make soure you have Python 3.x with PIP and optionally Git installed; we recommend you to use Python 3.10 for compiling TimerX.

Make sure Python is added to your PATH while installing.

Step 1

Open your terminal and head to the TimerX folder; if you have Git, clone it with git clone or download the ZIP file from here.

Step 2

After going inside your directory, make sure that you install the required packages via pip3 or pip if you use Anaconda3:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
OR, if you use Anaconda3,
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

If you are on Windows, you can install the Windows requirements file by:

pip3 install -r windows-requirements.txt
REM or if you use Anaconda3,
pip install -r windows-requirements.txt

Step 3

After you install the required packages, execute these commands in TimerX's root directory:

Windows compiling

REM for making an unzipped executable package
python3 bdist_win
REM for making an installer:
python3 bdist_msi

If you use Anaconda3:

REM if you want the unzipped package
python bdist_exe
REM if you need an installer:
python bdist_msi

Linux compiling

You can generate only a DEB or RPM installer for Linux. For Debian-based distros:

# If on Anaconda3, use `python bdist_rpm`
python3 bdist_rpm
cd dist
sudo apt install alien
sudo alien -d TimerX-*.tar.gz --version=1.0

For RHEL-based distros:

python3 bdist_rpm
# Anaconda3
python bdist_rpm